PinnedJude ManickamMarriage 2.0: Vows, Loves & CommitmentsThis post started because I was listening to Spotify when this song — “Too Young To Be Married” came on the air.May 6May 6
PinnedJude ManickamDramas In Real LifeI am not sure if it’s still the case but Readers Digest magazine used to have a section called “Drama In Real Life” back in the day.Apr 13Apr 13
PinnedJude ManickamTwenty Seconds of CouragePaul Alexander died on 11 March 2024, at the ripe old age of 78.Mar 26Mar 26
Jude ManickamThe Long And Winding RoadFrom Cubicle to Gray Hair: 44 Years of Work and CountingMar 4Mar 4
Jude ManickamWhat Keeps You Awake At Night?For a year or so, after my retirement, I kept getting up in the odd hours of the night.Feb 272Feb 272
Jude ManickamSun, Sand, And Birthday Vibes!February seems to pack a punch with its lineup of celebrations alright.Feb 20Feb 20